5 Tips on Creating a Cohesive Instagram Feed


With Instagram being one of the most important social media channel for brands and business, it’s extremely important to keep your feed cohesive! I’ve received so may questions about how I keep my personal Instagram feed cohesive and to be honest it takes work! I apply the same five tips I’m sharing with you below not only to my account but to my clients accounts as well!

  1. Develop Content Pillars: The content you choose to post is so important that you really need to be intentional about it. Content pillars are a group of categories or themes that makeup your overall content strategy. For example, my content pillars are now lifestyle, social media tips, and business. I always make sure that my content fits within one of these three pillars. If I strayed away from this, I would not only confuse my audience but disrupt the cohesive flow thatI I’m building.

  2. Color Palette: This may seem very silly but your instagram feed should adhere to a color palette. It’s almost impossible to be visually cohesive without sticking to a certain set of colors throughout your Instagram feed. Not sure where to start? Look around you, what colors does your brand gravitate towards? For me, it is neutral colors like white, tan, grey, gold, and black. If you scroll through my feed you will not find a photo that does not fit within this color palette. It’s very intentional and keeps my brand cohesive.

  3. Photography: I’m a firm believer that good photography can make or break how cohesive and professional your feed is. Taking well lit and composed photos will help elevate your feed very fast! You don’t need a fancy camera to take great pictures either. iPhones produce quality images and about 98% of my Instagram feed these days are photos taken with an iPhone.

  4. Editing: Gone are the days where you can just post a photo on Instagram with zero editing. If you want a cohesive feed you need to invest time in learning how to edit your images. There are so many apps out there that can take your images from mediocre to AMAZING in just a few clicks. I always recommend apps like VSCO, Snapseed, Lightroom mobile, and the Tezza app for easy editing.

  5. Visual planning: There is a lot of talk about whether visually planning your Instagram feed is even necessary due to the algorithm changes. Since such a small percentage of your overall audience is actually seeing your content, chances are they aren’t looking at your feed as a whole. However, I think it’s important because as brand or business if someone is interested in you or your services the first place they will look for you is on Instagram. If and when they stumble upon your page you want to make sure that they can understand what you’re about in a quick glance. So visually planning and organizing your content to ensure that is cohesive, dynamic, and visually representative of your brand is critical. I always recommend apps like Planoly, Mosaico, and Unnum for visual planning.

Hope you enjoyed this post!
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